Buying Business Central Made Easy

Buying Business Central Made Easy – Your Guide

Speak to Us

Ready to elevate your business with Business Central? Whether you’re leaning towards the KickStart Solution implementation, exploring configurable packs, or opting for our hassle-free monthly subscription with Launchpad, our team is here to guide you

Launchpad – The Simple Subscription

Launchpad is the modern way to transition to Business Central—no upfront costs, just a straightforward, affordable monthly subscription. Tailored for small businesses, Launchpad™ offers a self-guided implementation where you set up and run at your pace, choosing from our three package sizes.

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Payment Options FAQs

1. What Payment Options Are There?
After placing your order, our team will arrange payment with you. We offer convenient payment options such as card, bank transfer, and direct debit. Additionally, we provide a three-month payment plan, allowing you to split upfront costs over three months.
2. How Do I View My Contract?
Once your order is placed, your contract will be emailed to you for online signing.

System Implementation FAQs

1. How Long Does It Take to Get My System Up and Running?
The time to set up your system depends on the feature packs you choose. With our KickStart plan, you can be up and running in just one week. If you opt for additional feature packs, the implementation might take slightly longer. Our team will discuss this with you and schedule your dates accordingly.
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Future Additions FAQs

1. What If I Want to Add More Users or Features in the Future?
Absolutely no problem. Business Central is designed to grow with your business. You can seamlessly add new features and users whenever the need arises. Future-proof your system by starting with the basics you need for a quick and affordable setup. expand your capabilities, no need to pay for more than you need.

Ready to make the switch or have more questions?
Contact us, and let’s make your Business Central journey
smooth and successful!

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